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CMHRK Annual Report 2023

작성일: 2024-08-01조회: 158

This is the 2023 annual report of the CMHRK and the MSAVSC.

First published: 1. Aug. 2024

Recent Edited:

주소: (우: 04057) 서울특별시 마포구 신촌로14길 20 (노고산동54-64) 태인빌딩 4층 전화: 02-7337-119 팩스: 02-2677-8119
기관명: 군인권센터(대표: 소장 임태훈) 고유번호: 101-80-06648

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국민 00993704013027 (예금주: 군인권센터)