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[The Korea JoongAng Daily] Diary of Air Force suicide victim alleges bullying

작성일: 2022-07-27조회: 8

Lim Tae-hoon (right), head of the Center for Military Human Rights, speaks at the civic group's press conference in Mapo District, western Seoul, on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Lim Tae-hoon (right), head of the Center for Military Human Rights, speaks at the civic group's press conference in Mapo District, western Seoul, on Wednesday. [YONHAP]
A diary left by a female noncommissioned officer who died in an apparent suicide at the Air Force 20th Fighter Wing in Seosan, South Chungcheong alleged bullying within her unit, according to a human rights group on Wednesday.

The 21-year-old technical sergeant, surnamed Kang, was found dead on July 19 in her dormitory on base. Her death is being investigated by the Air Force.

At a press conference on Wednesday, the Center for Military Human Rights said, “Based on the content [of an entry] and other circumstances detailed in the diary found where Sergeant Kang died, we believe bullying was a factor in Sergeant Kang's death,” adding that the civic group also discovered “irregularities in the initial response by the military’s investigative authorities.” 


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