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[The Joongang Daily] Dismissing the Geneva Conventions (KOR)

작성일: 2020-09-28조회: 281

The killing of a 47-year-old South Korean civil servant by North Korea on Sept. 22 clearly violates the Geneva Conventions. The Center for Military Human Rights Korea, a civic group, issued a statement on Sept. 25 saying that North Korea violated the fourth convention on the protection of civilians. Article 130 of the Convention states, “Deceased internees shall be buried in individual graves unless unavoidable circumstances require the use of collective graves. Bodies may be cremated only for imperative reasons of hygiene, on account of the religion of the deceased or in accordance with his expressed wish to this effect.” 


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기관명: 군인권센터(대표: 소장 임태훈) 고유번호: 101-80-06648

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